Monday, November 15, 2010

Eachus' last gasp keeps sprinklers alive

Representative Eachus went down to a resounding defeat but as one of his last acts he refused to let the House consider the delay of the fire sprinkler code.

So homebuyers in Pennsylvania will be paying more for their homes all the while he is collecting his pension.

What a great legacy.

Harrisburg Resilience

A great article pointing out the resilience and liveability of the Harrisburg region.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Congratulations Pennsylvania Representatives

Even though their leader went down hard in the elections and their number 2 retired, it was amazing to see that the state house of representatives could bring themselves to actually go to work for one day between election day and the swearing in of the next legislature.

Hopefully they will deal with sprinklers and pensions.

Of course they can't deal with anything that will take longer than one day procedurally.

So glad we pay for a full time legislature

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Today's Lower Rates Mean

The news has been full of the news of "historic" low interest rates.

However, consumers need to realize what it means to them in terms of buying power.

The example to the left shows the historic average versus lower rates and today's rate is even lower.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another Hidden Tax on Homebuyers

Once again another hidden charge courtesy of the current congress. Looks like it will be mostly on people making less than $250,000.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Home Buyers Dilemna

The home buyers I'm seeing these days seem almost frozen with indecision.

Where is the market going? Where is the interest rate going?

Buying a home is a big innvestment. However, it's really like any other purchase.

Most home buyers don't absolutely NEED to buy. They have a roof over their head and a place to sleep.

So relax. If you want to buy a home. Because you want more space, or less space, or newer, or older. First decide what you can afford at today's historically low interest rates and then go buy at the lowest prices we've seen in several years.