Tuesday, June 21, 2011

FHA under attack. Not your problem? What if you would like to Sell Some Day

  • FHA-Backed Loans Make Sense; It’s Congress’ Whims that are Nonsensical

    Does your credit score fall below the 640 to 650 range? If so, good luck getting a home mortgage or refinance through traditional lending channels. Since the housing market crashed in 2008, lenders have tightened their belts and turned away borrowers who have less-than-perfect credit scores or low downpayments. Luckily for you, if you’re looking to buy or refi, the local bank isn’t your last resort for a home loan. Read
Visit houselogic.com for more articles like this.
Visit houselogic.com for more articles like this.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ride to Work Day June 20th

Ride to Work Day

The more motorcycles ridden to work, the more fuel saved, the less wear and tear on our highways and MORE FUN.

Lawn Breakfast is this Sunday

The Best Biker Breakfast is Sunday, June 19 at Lawn Fire and EMS, 5596 Elizabethtown Rd., Lawn, PA 17401.

If you have never been, you owe it to yourself to check this out.

And it's Father's day - what a great ride with one of your kids.

Forbes, National Public Radio & The Wall Street Journal Agreeing!!!

Even if house prices go down some more, the Cost of buying is set to go up.

This has got such disparate voices as NPR and the Wall Street Journal agreeing

Why They Are Saying to Buy A Home Now

Monday, June 13, 2011

Take Action to End Police Discrimination

If they did it to only Black people we'd be up in arms.

If they did it to only Women we'd be up in arms.

If they did it to only people who drive Toyotas, we'd be up in arms.

Click the link below to learn more about the current administration's discrimination against motorcyclists and have a chance to take action.

American Motorcyclist Association

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lots of Mortgage Money Available

Banks have lots of money to lend to the home buyer who should get a loan.


We just have to realize that lenders got burned by not checking borrowers' ability to pay. So today they are not checking twice, they are checking 3 times. This can be frustrating but in the end those who should get a loan do get a loan.

Does Your Lender WANT To Say “Yes!”?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What About the Cost of Delaying Your Dreams?

Buy now? Sell now?

Dollars and Cents are always important. However, the real issue is usually cost not price.

As this article points out there are costs othe than dollars.

What About the Cost of Delaying Your Dreams?

Friday, June 3, 2011

What the Proposed changes in Mortgages will do to the American Dream

One more indication that the current Administration talks a good game but takes opportunity away from the poor and middle class to benefit the wealthy.

When only the well to do can get mortgages, everyone else will be permanent tenants of the well to do.

Check the following analysis

What Impact Will QRM Have on Housing Demand?