Saturday, January 30, 2016

A local motorcycle event on JANUARY 31

Just when you thought the snow and ice were going to stop your motorcycle fun, the Central PA Powersports Dealers are having a movie night. Tomorrow, 31 January 4:00 at West Shore Elks in Camp Hill

Click here for more details

Friday, January 29, 2016

How Long Things Last

It is a question that comes up all of the time in real estate:  How long should ____ last?

Click on the chart below for an article from This Old House as to what range of life you can expect from major systems and components.

timeline of how long home products last

When you are ready to sell your existing set or purchase a new set, call, text or email.
I'm never too busy for your referrals.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Which way will your new home face?

When you are looking for a new home, whether your first or tenth, the direction your home faces will contribute to your enjoyment.

The recent snow storm brought this important point home again:

The good news is that the same orientation that makes your winters easier will increase your comfort in Summer.

For help with this or anything else regarding the home you want to buy or sell, call, text or email.

I am never too busy for your referrals.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


It looks like we may be in line for our first snow of the winter.  So here are some reminders of how to deal with it safely.

Snow Shoveling Safety

shoveling-snowDepending on where you live, a few snowflakes may have already fallen. Many people look forward to the first snow fall that elegantly drapes the trees and shrubs. After that initial glee wears off the reality of the situation will finally hit; now you have to shovel! We hope these snow shoveling tips will keep you from injuring yourself this winter and may actually make this chore more enjoyable.
  • Snow shoveling is no different than any other physical activity, check with your doctor first to make sure it is safe for you and then warm up properly. Yes, you read correctly. Stretch and warm-up the same as you would before exercising. Be sure to stretch your hamstrings, back, and shoulders. Pace yourself, start slowly and build up your pace, do not attack it just to get it done!
  • Dress for success. Dress in layers that can be removed if you start to overheat, and also make sure they are easy to move around in. Wear a hat, your head is where you lose the most heat. Proper boots will keep your feet warm and dry and also provide traction on slippery surfaces. Finally, make sure your gloves are heavy enough to keep fingers warm, prevent blisters, and give you a good firm grip on your shovel.
  • Proper Equipment. You are almost ready to begin; now you need the best shovel for the job. Shovels come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. Plastic shovels will weigh less; after all, isn’t the snow heavy enough? A smaller shovel blade will move less snow each swipe, but will also keep you from lifting more weight than you should. An ergonomic shovel (with a curved handle) will help you keep the correct form, keeping your spine straighter, which means less chance of injury. Another tip is to spray the blade of your shovel with a silicone lubricant to keep snow from sticking. PAM cooking spray actually works very well!
  • Have a plan. You are now ready to head outside. Remove snow from around your front door and on your sidewalk as you go along. Removing it before you trample it is much easier than trying to scrape it up later. Now it’s time to tackle the driveway. Consider it to be a rectangle. Clean around the edges first. Then move/push everything the shortest distance; pushing snow from the middle toward the closest outside edge. Choose a spot to dump your snow that will be close, but also out of the way. You do NOT want to have to move it twice! Clean the snow off all vehicles in your driveway before you clean around them. Be thorough, but not too fussy! After clearing the bulk of the snow, spread some de-icer, and let the sun do the rest of the work for you.
  • Maintain proper posture. Use your legs muscles as much as possible; pushing more than lifting it you can. If you must lift, keep your back straight and bend at your knees. Keep the shovel close to your body and one hand close to the shovel blade for better leverage. Throw snow in front of you, not over your shoulder. Do not twist your body; always keep it in front of you as you throw.
  • Some final tips:
    • Keep hydrated and rest often.
    • Remove snow as it accumulates rather than dealing with it all at once.
    • Avoid caffeinated beverages and energy drinks which will elevate your heart rate before you even begin.
    • Recruit. It’s much easier and quicker when you get help for this task!
    • Stretch when you are done and use an ice pack and ibuprofen to relieve inflamed muscles.
Reward yourself with some well-deserved rest after this “back-breaking” chore.
If you are thinking about a new place to shovel, whether here or in a warmer clime, call, text or email.
I'm never too busy for your referrals.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Keep your pipes safe in this freezing weather

A little reminder from the guys at This Old House on keeping your pipes safe from freezing.

When you are ready for a whole new set of pipes or moving to where the pipes don't freeze, call, text or email.

Remember, I'm never too busy for your referrals

Monday, January 18, 2016


When you are ready to explore how this applies to your desire to move up or buy your first home, call, text or email.

Remember I'm never too busy for your referrals

Friday, January 15, 2016

Why Americans Relocate

Why Do Americans Consider Moving? 

Why Do Americans Consider Moving? [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights:

  • In a recent Harris Poll, Americans listed "change in climate/weather" as their top reason for wanting to relocate.
  • 41% would move for a better job opportunity.
  • Being closer to loved ones filled out 3 of the top 6 reasons why American's move.

If you are thinking about relocating, call, text or email.  I can take the hassle out of finding a Realtor to work with in your new location in addition to getting your current home sold.

Remember I am never too busy for your referrals

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Robert Burns Dinner

Celebrate your Scots heritage or just enjoy a formal dinner featuring haggis, poetry and great music.

The Scottish Society of Central Pennsylvania invites you to its 62nd annual Robert Burns Dinner Saturday February 6th.

More info and reservation form

video of Burns' Address to the Haggis from a less formal Burns dinner:

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The American Dream of Home Ownership is Alive and Well

When you are ready to consider pursuing your part of the American Dream, just call text or email

Remember I'm never too busy for your referrals


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Racing coming to Lemoyne

Almost an acre of racing indoors with speeds up to 50mph

Go-cart complex opening in Lemoyne

Autobahn Indoor Speedway's Maryland location allows racers to view their lap times on large overhead screens. The company plans to open a facility in Lemoyne next month.
Autobahn Indoor Speedway's Maryland location allows racers to view their lap times on large overhead screens. The company plans to open a facility in Lemoyne next month. - (Photo / )
An entertainment complex featuring high-speed go-carts is set to open soon in Lemoyne.
Autobahn Indoor Speedway Harrisburg, part of a small but growing chain of go-cart racing facilities operating under the banner of Autobahn Indoor Speedway, is slated to open in the former location of Susquehanna Sports Center at 1001 Bosler Ave.
Jeff Witmer, general manager of the facility and a former general manager with Hersha Hospitality Trust in the Harrisburg area, said the company is leasing the 54,000-square-foot building and making renovations with an eye on opening in early February.

The building will feature 42,000 square feet of racing space with go-carts that can go up to 50 mph, Witmer said.

Susquehanna Sports Center left the building in 2014 when owner Chris Haring opened the Yellow Breeches Sports Center in Fairview Township. The building has been vacant since then.

Autobahn Indoor Speedway opened its first facility in Jessup, Md., near Baltimore, and plans to add more in markets where “nothing like this is being done,” Witmer said. The chain operates other locations in suburban Baltimore; Jacksonville, Fla.; Memphis, Tenn.; and Birmingham, Ala.

In addition to the Harrisburg-area location, the company is looking to open locations in Northern Virginia, suburban New York City and central Massachusetts.

“They’re looking to double their size in 2016,” Witmer said.

Anyone at least 48 inches tall can drive the carts, he said, with the age range starting at 8 years old. Junior-sized carts are available for anyone between 8 and 12 years old.

The local facility plans to hire between 18 to 21 employees, and is hiring now. Application forms are posted on the company’s website.

Another unique recreational opportunity in central Pennsylvania

To buy or sell a home in Lemoyne or any other location, call, text or email

Friday, January 8, 2016

Obstacles to Home Ownership - Perception v Reality

Obstacles to Homeownership: Perceived or Real? | Simplifying The Market

Obstacles to Homeownership: Perceived or Real?

A recent study by Fannie MaeWhat Do Consumers Know About The Mortgage Qualification Criteria?, revealed that many consumers are either unsure or misinformed regarding the minimum requirements necessary to obtain a mortgage. Let’s break down three such challenges.

Down Payment


Many renters have mentioned that the lack of an adequate down payment is preventing them from moving forward with the purchase of a home. According to the Fannie Mae report:
  • 40% of all renters don’t know what down payment is required
  • 15% think you need at least 20% down
  • An additional 4% think you need at least 10% down

The Reality

There are programs offered by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA that require as little as 3-3.5% down. VA and USDA loans offer 0% down programs. According to the National Association of Realtors, the typical down payment for a first time buyer is 6%.

Credit Score


Many renters have mentioned that the lack of an adequate credit score is preventing them from moving forward with the purchase of a home. According to the Fannie Mae report:
  • 54% of all renters don’t know what credit score is required
  • 5% think you need at least a 740 credit score

The Reality

Many mortgages are granted to purchasers with a credit score of less than 700. According to Ellie Mae, the average credit score on a closed FHA purchase is 687 and the average credit score on all loans is 722.

Back End Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI)


Many renters have mentioned that they carry too much debt which is preventing them from moving forward with the purchase of a home. According to the Fannie Mae report:
  • 59% of all renters don’t know what DTI is acceptable
  • 25% think you need at under 25%
  • 7% think you need under 39%

The Reality

Lenders like to see a back-end ratio that does not exceed 36%. Fannie Mae’s maximum total DTI ratio is 36% of the borrower’s stable monthly income. The maximum can be exceeded up to 45% based on credit score and other requirements.

Bottom Line

A lack of knowledge or misinformation may be keeping some families from buying a home even though they are actually qualified to purchase.
When you are ready to see how this applies to your unique situation, call, text or email.
Remember I am never too busy for your referrals

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Looking Back Over Last 5 Years

Each year I like to take a moment to look back at how our local market has done over the past 5 years.

The number of properties sold continues to climb in both counties.

The average price of homes that SOLD was off a little in Cumberland County, after steadily increasing in the previous 4 years.  In Dauphin County, prices increased for the second year in a row. 

The number of days on market continues to decline in both counties.  Remember that this is for homes that SOLD.

For insight into what the means for the specific home you want to sell or buy, just call text or email.

Remember that I am never too busy for your referrals.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What's Selling in Your Neighborhood?

Thinking of selling or just curious, you can always call me or the info can be delivered free to your email.

If you are interested, just call, text or email.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Building Family Wealth

Building Family Wealth Over The Next 5 Years | Simplifying The Market

Building Family Wealth Over The Next 5 Years

As the economy continues to improve, more and more Americans are seeing their personal financial situations also improving. Instead of just getting by, many are now beginning to save and find other ways to build their net worth. One way to dramatically increase their family wealth is through the acquisition of real estate.
For example, let’s assume a young couple purchases and closes on a $250,000 home in January. What will that home be worth five years down the road?
Pulsenomics surveys a nationwide panel of over one hundred economists, real estate experts and investment & market strategists every quarter. They ask them to project how residential prices will appreciate over the next five years. According to their latest survey, here is how much value that $250,000 house will gain in the coming years.
Family Wealth Earned Through Home Equity | Simplifying The Market
Over a five year period, that homeowner can build their home equity to over $40,000. And, in many cases, home equity is large portion of a family’s overall net worth.

Bottom Line

If you are looking to better your family’s long-term financial situation, buying your dream home might be a great option.
If you are ready to explore this way of building your family's wealth, just call, text or email