Thursday, December 6, 2007

Reflection on the Venezuelan Election

Dictator wannabe Hugo Chavez lost the referendum to scrap a lot of the Venezuelan Constitution. Great celebrations in Venezuela. Lots of self congratulatory "see he really is democratic" from his left wing fans in the U. S. and Europe.

Call me a cynic. Do we really believe that someone who has rigged his voting machines and fired from their jobs the people who didn't vote for him, was suddenly unable to pull this one out?

Based on the fact that he has already introduced all of the defeated measures into the legislature which he controls 100% and has already stated that he is ready for the next round, I think not. He has just bought some cover for his next move at very little real expense to him. He will continue on his stated goal to create the next Cuba.

We'll have to keep a close watch to see how much farther into the ground he can drive this beautiful country which now according to world sources ranks just ahead of Zimbabwe in terms of government interference.

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