Friday, January 30, 2009

Some Homebuyer Trends

Some interesting trends reported recently from the National Association of Home Builders show.

Flooring – hardwood replacing carpet

Granite counter tops are slowly becoming less desirable among buyers who are moving toward lower maintenance products

Top 5 kitchen wants – Walk-in pantry, Island work area, special use storage for appliances, built in microwave, drinking water filtration.

Desk areas going away going away in favor of larger desk/message center in or near the family room where eyes can be kept on kids at computer.

Skylights are definitely a thing of the past.

Top Decorative Features Ceiling fans, built-in shelving, window seats

Irresponsible Middle Class Help

Last night had to listen to President Obama whine about workers on Wall Street getting their normal, basic pay which happens to be called "bonuses"


He has raised the price of every new car in the country by from $2,000 to $7,000.
Talk about irresponsible from someone who promised to change to make life better.

With one stroke of a pen he has cost all Americans more money on the second largest purchase most of them will ever make than he will ever be able to generate with his stimulus bribes.

Talk about irresponsible.
Don't call it a tax cut unless you are cutting someones taxes. Using IRS forms to give money to people who don't pay taxes is not a tax cut.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quick Inexpensive Home Freshening.

Everything needs updating eventually. Here are some quick ideas to freshen up your home without breaking the bank.

1. Move it around.

Simply rearranging the furniture can re energize a room. Add and remove furniture, lamps, rugs, and accessories from other parts of the house to create a whole new look. Mirrors are particularly useful when it comes to updating a room. Try one out in different rooms to see where it fits best. Even just moving a mirror to a different wall can create a more welcoming feel.

2. Plants

Houseplants are a generally undervalued design component that can add texture, warmth, and color to any room. Just drop plants in their store containers into decorative planters. Small plants can be moved easily and regrouped to change a room's look, while larger ones make a statement on their own.
Group plants of differing heights, fullness, and color for the most dramatic effect. Jettison the scraggly specimens,

3. Paint

Paint is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to make a substantial change. Use dramatic colors in powder rooms and dining rooms, and more neutral colors in living spaces. When selecting colors, "be sure to ask, 'What am I trying to do? How do I want this to feel?'"

4. Organize

Clutter just happens.

A few simple devices can help.

Hooks and shelves inside the door give a place to hang coats and keys

Canvas bins or simple baskets help keep magazines and mail from spreading everywhere.

5. Lighting

Lighting can have a major impact on a home's look and feel. Whether a room seems dark or too bright and harsh, try "layering" the lighting by adding accent pendants and lamps. Make sure they have independent controls, so that you can turn them on and off at will.
Adding dimmers can allow you to create a cozy feel just by turning down lights. Caution - if you have switched over to compact fluorescent lamps, be sure the lamp is capable of dimming and the dimmer switch is capable of handling fluorescents. you want.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Senator Who gets it

Congratulations to Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia.
He says "Housing got us into this, and housing will get us out of it ....."

He's pushing to have Senate Bill 253 be part of the stimulus package now bulldozing its way through Congress.

It would turn the existing $7500 tax credit into actual funds that buyers could use for closing costs or other expenses to actually get them into a home.
It would also limit the repayment requirement to only those who resell within 3 years.

Now the interesting question is whether the Senate Democrats and the reconciliation group will follow what President Obama has requested and allow for bi-partisan input on the stimulus package or follow the Pelosi machine in the house which has said the Republicans are not even entitled to have any of their ideas voted on in committee when crafting a stimulus package.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Price Tag of Change

According to this morning's paper the price tag for the Obama administration's change in air quality standards for cars will be $2,000 to $10,000 per car.

I'm sure that struggling car buyers and struggling car manufacturer's are glad they have someone who is watching out for the Main Street.

Monday, January 26, 2009

House Ways & Means Sweetening First Time Buyer Deal

House Ways & Means Committee reported out bill eliminating the repayment provision of the the First Time Homebuyer Tax credit for purchases in Jan-June 2009.

Keep watching to see if this makes it all the way through.

No move yet to extend so act now even if it's only a free loan.

Change = Obama raises the cost of a new car

In part of what change means, President Obama has given the states the ability to impose their own emissions standards. Something the Bush administration had kept them form doing.

So now struggling auotmakers will have to make different cars for different states and include more expensive emissions controls.

The struggling consumer will have to pay ore for the car initially and more for repairs down the line.

Great way to help put more money in the pockets of a select few.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ride For Kids 2009

The local Ride for Kids 2009 will be September 27th in Columbia, Maryland.

All riders invited all brands - it's all for the Kids.

If you can't ride and would like to donate, go to my donation page at


Another Breakfast Ride

Those of you who ride and are always looking for breakfast, the New Kingstown Fire Dept has a breakfast mid month Sundays - their schedule of events is at

It's one that doesn't go away in the colder months and when they don't have it in the summer, there's always somewhere else anyway.

Good food - it's not Lawn - but then what is?