Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Senator Who gets it

Congratulations to Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia.
He says "Housing got us into this, and housing will get us out of it ....."

He's pushing to have Senate Bill 253 be part of the stimulus package now bulldozing its way through Congress.

It would turn the existing $7500 tax credit into actual funds that buyers could use for closing costs or other expenses to actually get them into a home.
It would also limit the repayment requirement to only those who resell within 3 years.

Now the interesting question is whether the Senate Democrats and the reconciliation group will follow what President Obama has requested and allow for bi-partisan input on the stimulus package or follow the Pelosi machine in the house which has said the Republicans are not even entitled to have any of their ideas voted on in committee when crafting a stimulus package.

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