Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Harrisburg Road Hazards

Once again this morning, 2 tie ups on the Capitol Beltway from the same old issues and still no action from Penndot or police.

First, another wreck 581 east to 83 south. Same old problem - no merge area and drivers not waiting for an opening on 83 south. I still have yet to see a ticket being written to a driver failing to yield coming down the ramp, although you can see it daily in any 10 minute span. Penndot's solution - close the ramp to 83 northbound which is almost never a danger, just a long wait sometimes for those using it.

Second, one more tail gate crash on 83 south bound. Cause, as always, following too close. It would only take about a week of police handing tickets to tailgaters to get this to stop. But no they would rather run speed traps. Which is more dangerous - the driver 2 car lengths behind the car in front at 50 mph or the driver running 10 miles over the limit at 65 with no traffic around him? Just watch for the weekly wrecks to get your answer. They mostly happen when no one is even going at the speed limit.

And of course our Legislature still sees no need to require liability insurance.

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