Friday, October 5, 2012

Garage Makeover

“An open garage is the window to one’s home,” says Monica Friel, an organizer with Chaos to Order from Chicago. Many of us have the typical garage dilemma…CLUTTER! We often use the garage as an area to store items away, and it can easily get out of control. But don’t worry, there is a solution. With these simple tips, you can have your garage organized and clutter free in no time. You may even be able to park your car in there!

The first thing to do is to CLEAR OUT. Go through the things that are just lying around. If it’s broken throw it away; if you don’t need it or don’t use it, give it away or have a yard sale. Having a yard sale is a great way to make a few extra bucks and can help with the cost of new organizers.

After everything is cleared out, it’s time to MAKE A PLAN. Think about the items you have and what can be stored together. Separating your garage into different zones is a great way to keep your things organized and easily accessible. Give gardening tools, sporting goods, holiday decorations, automotive supplies and garbage their own space. Draw a floor plan, as you would for other rooms in your house, to help you visualize where things will fit best.

Next you’re going to want to CATEGORIZE. Make sure you keep all similar items together. Keep gardening tools in a rolling organizer or stow away totes, for easier access. Hang sporting goods on wall hooks. Categorize holiday decorations in clear totes with color-coded tops. Use green for Christmas, orange for Halloween and red for Fourth of July. Use shelving to organize automotive supplies and tools. Vertical storage systems or particle-board shelving are the most common way to keep tools and supplies together and organized. Make sure that any sharp or dangerous tools are kept out of the reach of children. As for garbage, use cans with lids and working wheels. This makes it easier to transport to the curb. By using a tall shelving unit, like a customizable open-wired system, you can store the cans underneath and still utilize the top space for garbage bags, recycling bins and other items to make the process easier.

Homeowners and sellers alike can benefit from these tips. It’s just one more step in the right direction towards a cleaner, clutter-free home!

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