Friday, January 18, 2013

Tips on Fixing Up a Garage

Tips on Fixing Up a Garage

The garage is often an overlooked area in many homes, becoming nothing more than a storage space for tools, vehicles, and miscellaneous household items. With the right plan, some basic materials and tools, and time, anyone can turn their garage into a useful and comfortable room.

Importance of a Good Door

Garage doors typically lift to open the entire front portion of the space. Choosing one that provides a measure of security is important to protecting your home. Features to consider when choosing a door:

•Can it be operated by remote? Most automatic doors today come with both handy remotes and a switch placed on the wall.

•Does it have automatic lights for safety and convenience?

•What material would best suit your home and needs? Steel, wood, and plastic are the most common options today.

Insulating the Walls

There are typically no heating or air conditioning ducts running into the garage space, so it can be very cold in the winter and very warm in the summer. This does not make for an ideal place to spend any length of time. In order to make it more comfortable, insulation will need to be put in.

• Many heavy duty steel doors come with foam insulated backs. This is great for temperature control, and it can also reduce the amount of noise coming through from the outside. Insulation also prevents serious dents and damage to the door.

•If you live in an area with three or four seasons of weather changes, you can save money on your home heating and cooling bills by insulating the walls.

•Foam board insulation is affordable and easy to install. Spray foam can be blown into the crevices and along the area where the ceiling meets the wall.


Most garage floors are cement. They can be painted for aesthetic purposes. You could also choose a floor protector pad.

•Floor mats are perfect for protection. They can be placed in the area where vehicles will be parked, or used to cover the entire area.

•An epoxy coating will offer protection from stains and keep the floor from deteriorating over time.

•If vehicles will not be stored in the space, carpeting may be an option.

Storage Options

Even if you plan to use the garage as an area to spend time in, you will likely still want to have ample storage space. You can consider many options and come up with a design that allows you to make the most use of the space.

•Stand-alone Shelving is typically made from heavy duty plastic or metal. Once built, they can be placed in the desired area and moved when needed.

•Wall shelving is a good option for keeping items off of the floor and maximizing use of the space.

•Cabinets are a great choice for keeping a clean, uncluttered appearance.

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