Friday, February 15, 2013

De-cluttering closets

Time to De-Clutter

A brand new year has arrived, spring is just around the corner; it’s the perfect time to clean-out, clean-up, and get re-organized! Your bedroom closet is the perfect place to start. A cramped, chaotic closet can make your mornings very frustrating.

Before you begin a closet remodel, evaluate your closet’s size and prioritize your storage and dressing needs. You should also get rid of items you no longer need or wear by donating them to a local charity.

Consider these suggestions based on

the most common closet types/style

Long, Skinny Closet

Since you are limited on space, you should determine if there are items currently in your closet that could be store in other drawers/cabinets or under your bed, like shoes, purses, and other accessories.

Try using a closet system with half-rods, drawers, and shelves. Place the half-rod in the middle and use hangers that will hold multiple items. Place a tower of shelves to the left for shoes, purses, and accessories. Place a tower of drawers to the right for folded clothing and socks. Don’t forget to put a shelf above the rod to fully utilize all open spaces.

If you are not hanging long items, you could place a second rod below the first one.

Use floor space for shoes, boxes, etc.

Don’t forget the ceiling! Hooks can create another great spot to hang belts and store purses!

Small Walk-in Closet

A closet system is a good idea for any size closet. Being able to customize the size of shelves, drawers, and the location of rods, will allow you to utilize all available space.

Use extra floor space by installing a shelf and storage bins that fit above and below it.

Hang a shoe storage rack over the back of the door.

Large Walk-in Closet / Dressing Room

A large closet like this can be fun to organize and has many available options! Start with your closet organizing system and move forward from there.

A full length mirror will make the closet look bigger and give you a better view. If you have room for a tri-fold mirror, go for it. You’ll be able to get a view from every angle.

Don’t just limit yourself to wall space; consider installing a center cabinet. This cabinet can be fitted with shelves and drawers and will provide a work area as well. It will become a great spot for sorting laundry and folding clothes!

This center cabinet can also serve as a vanity area for make-up, a lighted mirror, jewelry, or other small accessories.

Consider installing a fold up ironing board. It’s a great out of the way spot and is easily stored!

If room allows, consider creating a small, private nook for yourself. A spot for getting dressed, putting on shoes, or even a quiet corner for reading or doing yoga.

A few final thoughts…

Once you have it organized the way you want it, it’s important to keep it that way! Keep it clean and tidy. Organizing clothes by color, type, sleeve length, etc. is just one more great way to get it organized. Now is also a great time to update the light fixture to maximize lighting and provide easier access. Fluorescent lights are the safest and most effective for this type of space.

Go on, get your supplies, gather your creative thoughts,

and get organized!

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