Monday, September 22, 2014

Freshen up your home's interior for fall

Freshening Up for Fall

With the season beginning to change, you may want to refresh the interior of your house. Refreshing may mean some light cleaning, a fresh coat of paint, new air fresheners, etc. However, you may want to consider some places within your house that you probablly have been neglecting to clean.

5 Places You May Be Forgetting to Clean

1.) Air conditioner/heating intake ventshOut of sight, out of mind is how many people treat their vents. Your intake vents may not be visible or are purposely hidden, which allows you to “unknowingly” forget to clean them. It is important to keep your vents clean in order to reduce potential damage inside your heater/air conditioner system. Cleaning off the vents will allow for better air flow and reduce the amount of dust/dust bunnies floating around your home. To clean the vents, you can simply wipe them down, thoroughly clean them by unscrewing the vents or you can have a professional come in and clean them (if necessary).

2.) Curtains
Your curtains are another place that hair and dust are able to easily accumulate. If you have medium to heavy weight curtains, you can use the upholstery brush on your vacuum to give them a quick once over.
3.) Under Your Area Rugs
Dirt, dust, allergens and pet hair all seem to gravitate underneath the rugs. You don’t want this grit and grime rubbing into your nice hardwood floors with all the foot traffic; therefore you will want to vacuum or sweep when needed.

4.) Upholstered Furniture
Eating snacks and other foods that easily fall in between cushions can cause quite an accumulation of crumbs overtime. Be mindful to vacuum underneath your furniture’s cushions, and you may even find some loose change…….don’t spend it all in place.

5.) Above your cabinets
The tops of your cabinets have most likely not been cleaned for a long time. Dust and cobwebs accumulate quickly up there, so every now and again you should dust and vacuum along that top area.

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