Monday, March 2, 2015

Mortgage Confusion? Where to Start

Which are you? First time buyer who has never before gotten a mortgage, would like to buy but have heard mortgages are hard to get, have some dings in your credit which you think may make you unable to to get a mortgage.


You owe it to yourself and your family to find out where you really stand.  Don't rely on the news media or instant online.

Talk to a real live human being.  A loan officer with whom I (and more importantly my clients) have had excellent experience is Pam Hopper at HomeSale Mortgage.  

First time buyer? - Pam will walk you through the entire process

Hear horror stories about lenders not being ready to close on time? - ask about Pam's guarantee to close on time.

Credit issues?  Let Pam tell you if they are really so bad you can't get a mortgage now.  Even if they are Pam has a credit repair program that has a great track record so you can repair any issues in the correct way and in the right order. You don't have to go it alone.

New construction? Pam worked for builders for many years.

Second opinion?  It never hurts to get a second opinion even if you already think you have a good deal.

So now you want to know how to get in touch with Pam.

Call her at 717-649-8576

Take the first step now.

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