Thursday, March 10, 2016

New Housing Bubble is NOT Forming

Yes, Home Prices Are Rising. No, a New Housing Bubble is NOT Forming | Simplifying The Market

Yes, Home Prices Are Rising. No, a New Housing Bubble is NOT Forming

The current increase in home values can be easily explained by the theory of supply and demand. Right now, the number of families looking to purchase a home is greater than the supply of homes on the market.
Here is a chart that explains how the months’ supply of housing inventory impacts home values:
Yes, Home Prices Are Rising. No, a New Housing Bubble is NOT Forming | Simplifying The Market
According to the latest Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors, there is currently a four-month supply of inventory. That puts us in the blue section of the above graphic. Home prices should be appreciating.

The difference in 2006…

A decade ago, the demand for housing was artificially boosted by lending standards that were far too lenient. Today, the strength of the demand for housing is legitimate, as lending standards are nowhere near what they were a decade ago.
For proof of this, let’s look at a graph of the Mortgage Bankers’ Association’s Mortgage Credit Availability Index:
Yes, Home Prices Are Rising. No, a New Housing Bubble is NOT Forming | Simplifying The Market
The higher the number, the easier it was to get a mortgage. We can see that from June 2005 to June 2007, mortgage standards were much more lenient than they have been over the last nine years.

Bottom Line

Today’s price increases, unlike those a decade ago, are the result of qualified buyer demand exceeding the current inventory of homes available for sale. Once the supply increases, prices will level out.

To see what this means for the home you want to sell or buy, call, text or email

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