Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Now is the time to buy a home.

If you have thought about a brand new home, Now Is The Time

Yes the market is not as crazy as it has been and your current home is not inflating in value like it was. This makes it the perfect time to buy a new home. THE NUMBERS ARE ON YOUR SIDE.

Let's look at an example:

Let's assume a $200,000 current home and a new home of $400,000, a price difference of $200,000.

Over the last few years, the current home price might increase 4% and the new home price would increase 10% ( remember they aren't making any more land and new home building plus Katrina have kept materials high) Thus in a year of waiting, the gap would increase to $232,000($440,000 less $208,000)

So, do you want to keep waiting untile the upward cycle returns or act now. The numbers say now is the time to ACT. On top of all this, builders today are offering a number of incentives to move their homes.

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