Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One common sense way to avoid future loan problems

Just look them in the eye.

With all of the loan horror stories we have all been hearing, some basic human nature could have gone a long way.

I have yet to have a client whose loan officer was at the settlement table be unhappy with their home loan. It's simple human nature. If they are sitting at the table, they have to look the customer in the eye if a "last minute problem" arises. It's amazing how much more smoothly the process goes when the loan officer is there.

Sure, I buy retail products all of the time from people I have never seen. But these are generally on a credit card which gives me an additional level of protection.

Once you have scheduled your move and are signing up for a 30 year commitment, most of your bargaining power has gone away. And this is from the man who last time he bought a home for himself, closed his papers and headed for the door when the Seller's agent decided to try a little brinksmanship. Most don't want to have to play in that poker game. You just want to move into your house.

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