Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tax Credit for First Time Buyers

Hopefully it will help first time buyers which will help power the market back up. It will definitely help the overall economy since it provides the money in the form of an interest free loan only after the home has been purchased.

The link below provides a good set of answers on how the program works.

As with all tax issues, if you have a question, consult your tax professional

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I 83 - The York split

Typical whining this morning in the Patriot. Wanting to wait for the rebuild of 83 at the York split.

A better idea: Enforce the aggressive driver and tailgating laws. About once a week someone will go 83 via the shoulder. Never a ticket.

Every day drivers going 581 east to 83 south without a thought of yielding - have never seen a ticket for this in over 10 years of daily use. Even got rear ended once on the ramp trooper sitting on northbound side didn't even bother to drive around.

Every day on 83 from before the York Split to the 81, there is always someone who insists on driving less than a car length behind at 55. Usually there is someone weaving in and out of traffic. What is the enforcement? Sitting on the side of the road playing with speed guns.

Wake up people it's not the absolute speed that is causing the problems. It's drivers following so close that they have no prayer of stopping if something happens in front of them.

Maybe there needs to be a publicized crack down like the publicized speeding crack down.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Quick Maintenance Tips

A couple of quick maintenance ideas from my friends at Housemaster

Washing Machine Hoses. Although a burst washing machine hose can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage, most homeowners do not routinely perform a simple function that would prevent such damage - shut the water supply off to the washer between uses. For this reason, reinforced lines are recommended for the washing machine supply lines. “No-burst lines”, as they are sometimes referred to, are essentially the same as the standard rubber hose normally used, except that the rubber is sleeved in a metal mesh that prevents weak spots in the rubber from developing into leaks.

Air filters. If you have been using inexpensive fiberglass air filters in your central heater or air conditioner, try upgrading to pleated filters. Pleated filters cost more, but are much more efficient at filtering out dust, pollen and other indoor-air contaminants. Many better-grade filters can also be used effectively for longer periods of time than fiberglass filters, reducing the over-all cost. Whatever filter you use, change or clean it when it accumulates a significant amount of dirt. Very dirty filters will reduce the air flow through ducts, wasting energy and possibly damaging the unit.
Remember, these tips are only general guidelines. Since each situation is different, contact a professional if you have questions about a specific issue. More home safety and maintenance information is available online at

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Harrisburg, PA house prices advance.

There are areas of the country where home prices are falling.

Fortunately for those of us in Central Pennsylvania, the numbers just released by our local multi-list show an increase in both median and average price over the second quarter of 2007.

Homes are taking longer to sell but the values are holding.

July 16 is Ride to Work Day

Show your support for this program to increase commuting fuel economy

Motorcycle and scooter riders' 17th annual commuting day is Wednesday, July 16th. Participation in the yearly demonstration is estimated to triple the number of riders on the road. Motorcycle and scooter groups and organizations actively encourage riders to commute by cycle on this day. On Ride to Work Day, motorcycle and scooter commuters seek improved employer recognition and support for this form of transportation and increased public and government awareness of the positive value of riding.
Adding more motorcycles and scooters to everyone's daily commute makes urban parking easier and traffic flow better, according to Ride to Work, a non-profit advocacy organization. Studies have also shown that across the same distances, motorcyclists reach their destinations faster than those using automobiles. Many motorcycles and scooters also consume lessenergy resources per mile than automobiles. "Riding to work on this day is fun and shows the positive value of motorcycling. For many people, riding is a socially responsible form of mobility that saves energy, helps the environment and provides a broad range of other public benefits," stated Andy Goldfine, this year's event organizer.The Ride To Work website has been expanded with new features

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Sky Is Falling Energy Answers

A recent local editorial on energy prices was typical of the moaning that the quick fixes won't work.

Wake up. We didn't get into this situation overnight and won't get out of it overnight.

We have made incremental choices to get here and will have to make incremental choices to get out. Today our politicos are throwing out ideas because they won't provide instant solutions.

Let's look at the behaviors in the last 20 years that have led us here and are easy to reverse to head us back in the right direction. THESE ARE IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER.

The basic point is that the fewer gallons we consume at $4.00 the longer to get to $5.oo.

Look in your parking lot. See all those all wheel drive SUV's?? This is Central Pennsylvania people. There have been maybe 4 days in the last 10 years when the roads weren't passable to a front wheel drive automobile. And guess what? Most of those SUV drivers stayed home more days than that because the roads were too bad. I spent 4 winters in Fairbanks, Alaska and didn't need 4 wheel drive in town. If you need the room of an SUV, I understand but why not buy it in 2 wheel drive?

Speaking of SUV's take a look at our local government lots and the SUV's provided to non-critical personnel who get to stay home when it snows.

Governmental parking lots that deny parking to 2 wheeed motor vehicles. Nothing like active discouragement for vehicles that get 2 to 3 times the mileage.

Active hostility to mass transit from local government. The rail system would be almost ready to go from Cumberland to Lancaster. But no. Too many layers with their own rice bowls to fill.

Speaking of too many layers, the recent articles on Rte 39 upgrades were instructional. It's a state road. The state knew what it needed to do to improve it. But they had to wait to satisfy about a half a dozen little rice bowls. In the meantime the price of asphalt went where?

How many gallons are going into the tanks for a State Legislature that keeps coming to Harrisburg all year. It's at most a 90 day a year job. But again from more local governments than any other state in the nation you get more people determined to fill their rice bowl at the public trough.

Increase gasoline production? That would mean building a new refinery. We haven't allowed one to be built since 1979.

Think about each little step and we'll eventually get there. Pay attention to the hysteria and progress will be further stifled. If the person suggesting the solution arrived in part of the problem they probably don't have the solution.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Congratulations on Shipping Production to China

First the Democrat controlled Congess shipped our oil production out of the country. Now they have mandated that we can only use compact flourescent lamps that are only made in China.

Of course they didn't know they were taking contributions from a Chinese felon.

MSN Selects Harriburg as one of 9 best

Recent article in MSN's real estate section selected the Harrisburg market as one of the 9 best houing markets when you look at the low cost of homes as compared to income and factor in the amenities we have in the area.

This is one of the reasons our market has not followed the collapse of some of the major markets which keep grabbing the headlines.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All of You Riders it's Sunday Breakfast Ride Season

Some of my favorites:

First Sunday -Ephrata - the largest geographical pull, so lots of different bikes & riders

Second Sunday - Fatt Boys Steakhouse & Tavern, South Lebanaon - this is a newcomer but once folks get a taste of the food it should grow. Give them a try.

Third Sunday - Lawn Fire & EMS - For a great cause, lots of food. A word to the wise - go early - by 9:00 you'll be standing in line for 30 minutes to get in. -

For the other Sundays or anytime try Dunlap's bakery in Gettysburg or the Cozy in Thurmont, Maryland.

Other suggestions welcome.