Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All of You Riders it's Sunday Breakfast Ride Season

Some of my favorites:

First Sunday -Ephrata - the largest geographical pull, so lots of different bikes & riders http://ephratamotorcycle.com/newsGen.php

Second Sunday - Fatt Boys Steakhouse & Tavern, South Lebanaon - this is a newcomer but once folks get a taste of the food it should grow. Give them a try. http://www.fattboyssteakhouseandtavern.com/breakfast_ride.htm

Third Sunday - Lawn Fire & EMS - For a great cause, lots of food. A word to the wise - go early - by 9:00 you'll be standing in line for 30 minutes to get in. - http://www.lawnfire.com/events.php

For the other Sundays or anytime try Dunlap's bakery in Gettysburg or the Cozy in Thurmont, Maryland.

Other suggestions welcome.

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