Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I 83 - The York split

Typical whining this morning in the Patriot. Wanting to wait for the rebuild of 83 at the York split.

A better idea: Enforce the aggressive driver and tailgating laws. About once a week someone will go 83 via the shoulder. Never a ticket.

Every day drivers going 581 east to 83 south without a thought of yielding - have never seen a ticket for this in over 10 years of daily use. Even got rear ended once on the ramp trooper sitting on northbound side didn't even bother to drive around.

Every day on 83 from before the York Split to the 81, there is always someone who insists on driving less than a car length behind at 55. Usually there is someone weaving in and out of traffic. What is the enforcement? Sitting on the side of the road playing with speed guns.

Wake up people it's not the absolute speed that is causing the problems. It's drivers following so close that they have no prayer of stopping if something happens in front of them.

Maybe there needs to be a publicized crack down like the publicized speeding crack down.

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