Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Barking up the Wrong Tree

Take a look at the headlines from Chicago.

Unions picketing Bank of America because B of A wouldn't give gredit to a failing company, thus causing the company to close.

Don't see the Unions offering to give a loan to the company from their pension funds. Also have to listen to the union paid congressional types complaining about the quality of the loans the banks have made in the past.
Didn't hear the unions offering to reduce the cost of the company producing its product.

If you want to complain about denying credit to lousy credit risks then don't complain about having to bail out the banks that have been forced to make the loans.

The Union memebers can probably get jobs under the Obama pay off of the unions who supported him. What pay off?
All of the money to "rebuild infrastructure" is required by federal law to go solely to union contractors. No help for the poor carpenter who used to build houses until he pays thousands to the union to get on their bench.

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