Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Return of Machine Politics

Not since John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson have we seen such a return of the political machine to national politics.

Say what you will about Dick Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, they were all outside of the backroom machine politics.

Now we have a president created by the same Chicago machine that delivered the White House to John Kennedy and brought you the 1968 Democratic Convention.

What about "Change"? The manager of free those who stole from small investors to pay for Clinton is labelled for Attorney General. The unions who forced their members to pay for Obama are to be rewarded with new highway, bridge and other infrastructure projects. Remember this is the same machine that gave "affirmative action" grants to white males.

What was worse than the depression in 1932? The depression of 1938 made worse by 5 years of protectionism and stifling of production by big government programs.

You heard it here. Watch for the machine to attack the secret ballot within the first year.

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