Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Magicians and those who love me

This weather seems to bring them out even more. 2 classes of idiot drivers.

First are the magicians. Their ambition is too disappear so in rain or fog or any other condition with limited visibility, the insist on driving without their headlights on. Seems that most of them are already driving gray or tan cars as well.

Second are those who must be in love with me. Either that or they are wannabe proctologists. Nothing else could explain why they would want to follow so close to my backside. Lots of tickets given out for speeding, but I've never heard of anyone being given one for following too close. It's easy to tell and not even borderline when someone is 20 feet behind you at 55.

Someone needs to remind our law enforcement types that it's not usually the speed that causes the accident but failure to allow the necessary reaction space that causes rear end collisions.

These idiots cause at least one wreck a week on our beltway but our troopers have instructions to sit with speed guns instead of actively ticketing the actual hazards.

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