Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Define What you are Looking for


The property you buy will be much more than a house; it will be your home. So before you go out and view houses, understand what you are looking for. Try answering the following questions to help you clarify the things that are most important to you in your ideal home and neighborhood.
1. For some people, “home” means a hub of social activity; for others it might be a place to retreat from the pressures of daily life. What does “home” mean to you?
2. Who will be living in your household? Will you often have other family member or friends visiting for more than a few days at a time? If so, you may want to consider an extra bedroom, or office room than can be used as an extra place to sleep.
3. If you will be working outside your home, what would you consider a comfortable commute (in time or distance)? Will you be working at home? Is public transportation a necessity?
4. What are the most important activities for the members of your household? For example: hobbies, recreation, school, entertaining, religious or cultural activities.
5. What are one or more features you liked most about the home(s) you have lived in previously? This might include: style floorplan, yard, view, and neighborhood. Will these features need to be included in  your new home, or are you willing the add them later on?
6. What are one or more features you disliked about the home(s) or neighborhood where you have previously lived?
7. What are the most important “must have” features of your ideal home and neighborhood? Why are they important?

Once you have answered these questions, you are one step closer to purchasing your next home! Be sure to contact me via phone, text or email to continue the homefinding process.

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