Thursday, July 9, 2015

I do love to eat CUISINE SAFARI

Recent profile in Susquehanna Life

Cuisine Safari Member Profile - Allen & Margaret Gordon

 Jul 09, 2015 01:07PM, Published by David Maynard, Categories:  TravelArts+EntertainmentShop+Dine

Cuisine Safari is a local group that explores ethnic food from various restaurants in the Central Pennsylvania area. This is a monthly profile on the members who are a part of the group where they can share their experiences and insights. This month we will be interviewing Allen and Margaret Gordon. 
CS: How long have you been a member of Cuisine Safari?
Allen: We have both been members for about 2 years
CS: What interested you in joining the group?
Margaret: The chance to experience new cuisines with new people was what attracted us the most.
CS: Where are you originally from?
Allen: I am from Maryland and Margaret is from New York.
CS: How long have you lived in Central Pennsylvania?
Margaret: Going on about 17 years now.
CS: What is your occupation?
Allen: I am a Realtor and Margaret is a Registered Dietitian.
CS: What is your favorite place that you have visited with the group?
Margaret: Spring Garden Korean Restaurant in Camp Hill.
CS: What is the most interesting meal you have had with the group?
Allen: The various dishes we tried at Spring Garden. Which include Banchan, Korean vegetable appetizers served before meals;  Boyang Jungol, lamb with vegetables cooked in casserole; Bulgoki, broiled marinated beef; Gopdol Bibimbap, steamed rice in pot with beef and vegetables in spicy sauce; Haemool Pa Jun, Korean style pancake w/ seafood; Jaeyook Bokeum, pan-fried pork with vegetables in spicy sauce; Jajang Myun, noodles with brown bean sauce with beef; Jogy Gui, Baked yellow Corvina fish; and finally Sul-Long Tang, long simmering beef with noodles & brisket.
CS: Have you traveled internationally? If so, where?
Margaret: Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, France, England, Scotland, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary.
CS: What cuisines are you hoping to try in the future?
Allen: Indonesian, Hungarian but we are always game for anything.

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